Sunday, January 8, 2012

The "I Wonder How Long It Takes Ads to Switch From Weight Watchers to Valentine's Candy" Weekly Update

Interesting Stuff on the Internet (01/08/2012)
Thought for the Week
It's time for change. It's time for the old to make way for the new. For some of you this will mean putting up the Christmas decorations. Because, seriously, Rudolph is tired of pulling that sleigh and wants a break. For me, that means moving on.
Featured Site for the Week: Cute Overload
This is to make up for the rest of this post... Feel free to come back as necessary.
Interesting Links for the Week
The fight goes on.
  • Because this is brave
When Death Feels Like A Good Option
  • This is also brave.
Colorblind Ideology is a Form of Racism
  • But I thought we were living in post-racial times? Also, learning about people who are different won't kill you. I promise. And if it does, oh well.
How could they not have known?!
  • It's time to shine a light on evil in all its forms. When you hear someone make an offensive comment do you call attention to it, or do you just laugh?
Not a misogynist, maybe just sexist?
  • "Oh, but I don't mean you, I mean the other ones..."
Driven to Predatory Loans
  • Because not everyone can walk into a dealership and leave an hour later with the car of their choice.
A Christmas Message From America's Rich
  • Because the fact that my prosperity is directly related to the misfortune of others doesn't sit well with me. Neither does taking advantage of people who don't realize that they are being taken advantage of.
in memory of nina reiser
  • This is sad.
Rapist next door alarms victim
  • This is sadder. Remember when we believed that "the system" would keep us safe? Yeah, not so much.
Think Your Job Is Bad? Try One Of These!
  • But perhaps this is the saddest of all. We spend too much time at work to waste that time.
Product of the Week:

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