Saturday, August 4, 2012

The "Being Colorblind Makes You Oblivious to the Racism Around You" Update

Interesting Stuff on the Internet:
When the rug is pulled
  • Just when you least expect it, a racist jumps out in front of you like a deer from the side of the road.
Deeply Embarrassed White People Talk Awkwardly About Race
  • Newsflash: calling you racist isn't discrimination.
Sports Fanaticism Does Not Justify Racism
  • Even when you win, you can't win...
The Unwritten Rules, a Comical Look At Being Black in the Workplace
  • Actually, the rules are just unpublished; they are written in your mind.
Trayvon Martin: The Problem with the ‘Some of My Best Friends Are Black’ Defense
  • Having "a black friend" doesn't mean that you aren't a racist. It means that you have have made an exception that was convenient for you. It's like saying you can't hate women because you have a wife...
A Woman's Story
  • Fight back against the limits people will try to impose on you.
Racism Dead; Hub Woman Rejoices
  • Hallelujah racism is dead! (But apparently, someone forgot to tell the racists... )
Winfield residents upset over flier for whites only pastors' conference
  • A "Sacred Christian Cross Lighting Ceremony"... so that's what they're calling good old fashioned cross burnings these days?
Product of the Week:
If you want to be racist, keep it to yourself shirt
If you want to be racist, keep it to yourself shirt by egogenius
Look at African american humor T-Shirts online at

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