Otis is what many people would consider a difficult child.
He is alternately needy and bossy. He's afraid of storms. He's a picky eater. He has a weak stomach. And he doesn't share or play with others worth a damn.
I often find myself looking at him and saying "Why can't you be more like your calmer/smarter/braver/perfect sister?"
But Otis has one thing going for him that many of us never achieve: every morning when he wakes up, he gets out of bed ready to go and excited about life.
Every day. Every single day... Weekends, holidays, the one day of the week everyone else in the house wants to sleep in... I imagine that he'll do the same the day after the Mayan calendar ends and takes the world with it.
He doesn't waste time being tired. He just gets up and gets ready to see what new, exciting thing life has in store for him.
So maybe there is something that he can teach us.
But after my nap. I'm sleepy.
Think he's really sniffing the flower?