Saturday, January 14, 2012

The "Your Short Bus Joke Has a Flat Tire" Weekly Update

Interesting Stuff on the Internet (1/15/2012)

Thought for the Week
We'll consider this the obligatory MLK Day post. So in honor of that, let's take one day to join hands and dream together. We can go back to hating each other like normal tomorrow.
Featured Site for the Week: MICROAGGRESSIONS
Race, gender, sexuality, class, mental and/or physical health... Just some of the dimensions people want you to justify your existence against each and every day. After a while, it gets old.
  • no individual links due to site format
Interesting Links for the Week
The black professional is not dead
  • Eventually we are going to have that conversation that you don't want to have.
Franchesca Ramsey Kicks Off 2012 With ‘Sh-t White Girls Say … to Black Girls’
  • But you will probably say the wrong thing.
Unquestioned Privilege
  • Because ignorance and curiosity are two different things.
the obligatory post-audition reflections
  • It's a humanness interest story
The advantage of being me
  • Actually, I've got nothing for this one, but she makes a good point.
A Burning Question
  • Most people waste time being worried about the wrong thing.
The Dotted Line Fades Away — A Few Words About Bil Keane (1922-2011)
  • So at least one of you is going to have to agree to say nice things about me when I'm gone.
The Lost Art of Becoming Good at Things
  • "Most people don’t actually want to put in the effort becoming an expert really requires." See, I told you learning should be continual.
Product of the Week:
So this guy wants people to stop saying awesome. Obviously, he's never met me. And yes it is actually on my car; at least until someone steals it.

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