Wednesday, February 8, 2012

And this is why I'm not allowed to go shopping by myself...

This is part product review and part hat tip to the person who came up with end cap marketing strategies....

Since, I'm not the primary grocery shopper in the house, I rarely know about new products. This is very good for my wallet. Unfortunately on a recent trip to Target, I discovered Magic Milk Flavoring Straws. Under normal circumstances, this wouldn't be a problem, but it was shortly after we had that conversation about pink things and strawberry shakes and Nesquik... So yeah, they came home with me. Also unfortunately they weren't as tasty as I had hoped. Maybe there is a secret to using them, but for my first effort, the flavoring was hit or miss. I have 5 more to go, so that's 5 chances for improvement. On the plus side, my milk bubble were quite spectacular, so there is hope yet.

1 comment:

  1. when i am given a list of a few things to get at the grocery store, i rarely come home with just those items. there are always those extra items that find their way into my cart. maybe someone else puts them there?
